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81-90 Amercian car spotters guide by Tad Burness (85_CarSpotter)
$29.95 |
76-86 Std Catalog of American Cars, by James Flammang, 2nd ed. (81_StCatUScar)
$12.95 |
Jump Start - Japan Comes to the Heartland, by David Gelsanliter, 262 pg. look at transplants (92_374138273)
$10.95 |
Grand Delusions , the Cosmic Career of John Z. DeLorean - Hillel Levin (80_GranDelusion)
$21.95 |
79 Driver License Booklet for United States and Canada (97_DrvrsLicns)
$12.95 |
A Better Idea, by Donald Petersen & John Hillkirk, 270 pg. business primer (82_395581915)
$15.95 |
The Future of the Automobile, The Report of MIT's International Automobile Program, by Daniel Ross & Alan Altshuler (84_MITfuture)
$6.95 |
Reinventing the Wheel Ford's Spectacular Comeback by Alton Doody & Ron Bingman (75_ReinventWhee)
$4.95 |
The Machine that Changed the World, the story of lean production. by: James Womack, Daniel Jones, & Daniel Roos. (75_TMTCTW)
$12.95 |
Motor City Muscle; Mueller, History of the American Muscle Car. 192 pages color illustrations. (69_124704)
$29.95 |
Edmund's Import Car Collector's Guide (78_031206702X)
$19.95 |
Machine That Changed The World by Womack Jones & D. Roos. Study of 'lean production' (70_60974176)
$6.95 |
The Fall & Rise of the American Automobile Industry (70_FallRisAmAut)
$3.95 |
46-90 Standard catalog of imported cars; 704 pgs. by J Flammang (65_116236B)
$39.95 |
A to Z of Sports Cars. 1945 - 1990, by Mike Lawrence. Covers more than 850 marques, 336 pg (67_5_123301)
$29.95 |
Haynes: The First 40 years: a history of the auto repair manual company with its ups and downs along the way. 192 hardbound pgs by J. Clew (75_H418)
$39.95 |
Last Chance Garage, Brad Sears. Illustrated guide to understanding your car. Companion to PBS television series. (75_LCG_BSears)
$17.95 |
Rude Awakening: The Rise, Fall, & Struggle for Recovery of G.M. Maryann Keller (75_RudeAwakenin)
$2.95 |
The Decline & Fall of the American Automobile Industry, by Brock Yates (60_DeclineFall)
$19.95 |
The Great American Pickup Truck, Henry Rasmussen, illustrated large format with examples of old and new pickups (56_0879383070)
$29.95 |
Paul Frere: My Life Full of Cars: a facinating autobiography of the automotive writer, racing driver, & LeMans winner. 256 pgs. by P. Frere (62_130423AE)
$39.95 |
20-90 Truck & Van Ultimate Spotters Guide by Tad Burness: 400 pages detailing the appearance of all models (55_132935B)
$49.95 |
Peter Egan Side Glances The Best from America's Most Popular Automotive Writer over 100 articles originaly published in Road & Track Magazine compiled into 160 hardbound page book 2002-2005 (75_A_PERT)
$24.95 |
85 Art Center College of Design school catalog (85_ArtCtrCtlg)
$7.95 |
First 75 Years of Transportation Products, Published by Automobile Quarterly for GM's 75th anniversary (75YRGM_AQ)
$29.95 |
75 Years of Inspiration, Imagination and Innovation, published by GM on the 75th anniversay of GM R & D (75YRGM_RD)
$29.95 |
Classic Cars by Roger Hicks; Illustrated history of great marques including Porsche, Ferrari, Cadillac & Rolls Royce (87_Hicks)
$29.95 |
Sports Cars, History and Development; by GN Georgano; 240 pg illustrated (42_Hist)
$29.95 |
The Automobile; Horseless Carriages to Cars of the Future, Gary Reyes; large format; 140 pages color illustrated (20_ReyesHC2Cars)
$24.95 |
MG's Abingdon Factory by Brian Moylan A pictoral study of those who come to build motor cars 160 photos 96 pages (65_145980AE)
$39.95 |
Car illustrated guide to how cars work, Richard Sutton. Well illustrated encyclopedia format. (90_Sutton)
$29.95 |
Great Cars of the 40's full-color profiles of 25 all-time Detroit Favorites! Cadillac Chevy Chrysler T&Cs Ford LaSalle Packard Tucker Willys Jeep and more! by The Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 80 full color pgs. (45_GreatCars)
$49.95 |
100 Years of the Automobile by Motor Trend Collector's Edition (50_100_Yr_Auto)
$12.95 |
Car Memorabilia Price Guide, by: Ron Kowalke & Ken Buttolph. Automobilia, Petroliana, Paper, Toys, Licence plts, Hood ornaments, & more. (50_MemPriceGuid)
$29.95 |
Monza, by Bob Judd (70_MonzaJudd)
$15.95 |
Highways to Heaven the Auto Biograpy of American by C Finch 416 page hardcover history of the automobile industry in America from its earliest orgins to the 1990s (46_Highways)
$9.95 |